The Oracle
This monthly RPG magazine is designed and written to empower Games Masters with the skills, confidence and content that will make running games easier, quicker and more enjoyable.
This is our core produce and we pore a lot of time, effort and love into ensure the 52+ pages are filled with great system-neutral fantasy content such as detailed articles, maps, diagrams, tables and illustrations.
Issues are available via our store and subscriptions via our Patreon page.

Issue 16 Spooky theme!
The uncanny and the unusual!
This was a ton of fun to write. Lot of unusual and strange details - our editor thought the rat god was brilliant and marketing loved the strange xenoplant creature that Hal and Roger run into on their travels!
OUT NOW! See the shop.

Each month has a broad theme that helps tie together the different categories of content and each issue contains information in a range of sections selected from the following (all of the material is system-neutral to enable anyone playing any Fantasy RPG game to use the information inside):
Magazine Sections (Not every section is in each issue)
GM Advice
New traps
Magic Items
Non-Player Characters
Non-Player Character Organisations
Story Hooks
Picture Prompts
Things to See
Tactical Encounters
Random Encounters
Trinkets and Treasures
The content format varies but has included random tables, maps, illustrations, diagrams, a card format for detailed NPCs.
Written not just to inform but also entertain some sections are written in-game style - most specifically the New Creatures Section which is recounted by two brothers as the go on their adventures and report back to their masters.
Our inspiration goes back to the early years of White Dwarf, Dragon and Dungeon magazines as well as other less well-known titles like Ares and Level-Up.
We aim to honour their tradition and deliver practical, useful and imaginative content to your inbox once a month, every month.
Issues are A4, a minimum of 52 pages long (from issue 7), and in a modern landscape format ideal for viewing on phones, tablets and laptop screens.
Subscribers have the option to submit content - and receive a free issue in return plus a writing credit and shout out!

Time Line
May 2020 Launched on Kickstarter
(100+ subscribers from the Kickstarter)
May 2020 Issue Zero* released (exclusive to Kickstarter backers)
June 2020 Issue One released
June 2020 Subscribers Discord group opened
October 2020 Into the Dark special issue published to raise support Albacon and raise money for a children's charity. Nearly £400 raised.
November 2020 Rebrand and redesign - the magazine goes from Dungeon Master's Adventure Pack to The Oracle. Interior is redesigned. Page, word count and illustration count increases.
January 2021 First printed copy released
October 2021 Special Issue 2 published to raise support Albacon and raise money for a suicide prevention charity. £1000 raised.