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Free 5e Creature Stat Block - Torpedo Shark

We had a message into Frog HQ, which asked us what exactly the stat block was for that we released recently (Culve Cat). It is, as this one is, for Dungeon Masters to use freely in their fifth edition Dungeons and Dragons games. Heck, if you want to stick it in a publication and use it commercially that is also fine, go ahead. Have fun.

And yes, the stat block does have a modified format, that's the new format that we are using until the DnD 2024 Monster Manual finally arrives. We will take a look at that one when it gets here but we rather like the format above. In our opinion it highlights the information a DM needs. And does so more clearly than the standard format from WoTc.

You will note, nothing has been taken out, we've just reformatted the layout.


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